No. of developments: 4
- Development locations: East of England, South East England
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Developments by Hayfield
Viewing 1-4 out of 4

Hayfield Avenue, SG19
(4 reviews)

Hayfield Place, MK45
(4 reviews)

Hayfield Gate, SG17
(2 reviews)

Hayfield Green, OX29
(14 reviews)
Ranked 12th out of 47 in Oxfordshire
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See how residents rate developments by Hayfield
This all-time rating combines the reviewers score for Experience, Value, Location, Facilities, Management and Design as well as the age and verification status of the review.
Developments by Hayfield
Viewing 1-5 out of 24
Laura Collins (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Green, OX29
Jul 2023
Laura Collins (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Green, OX29
Jul 2023
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
The development should have been finished years ago, the issues are ongoing and a huge disappointment to all residents. Shocking service after charging premium prices
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
Issues have been raised and not resolved
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish I’d never heard of hayfield and never bought the house

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Emma C (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Avenue, SG19
May 2022
Very happy Hayfield Homeowner
Emma C (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Avenue, SG19
May 2022
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
There are some very traditional cosy pubs in the nearby villages which are lovely to walk to, making you feel like you are living in an English country dream. There is little to no noise at all as it is a very quiet village and we have never had any issues with bin collections, traffic noise or anti-social behaviour. I would only say that as a new parent, I am sad to find that there are no play parks anywhere nearby.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
The building management was initially very helpful to solve problems we experienced from our extremely uneven garden (that rendered it unusable) to our underfloor heating pipes that were put in the wrong way round. The building management were also very swift to solve the problem of when our bath pipes leaked and caused a damp wall and mould to grow in our downstairs bathroom. However, of late, we are having to chase for help with an issue with our Heat source pump (this has been ongoing for over a month now with no solution) and also we have raised the issue of deep cracks developing around our house that are “thicker than a pound coin”, and yet it has been nearly a month and we’ve had no response back.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
I wish I had known what was around locally or nearby for young children
Tommy 1 (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Green, OX29
Feb 2022
When will Hayfield Green be finished ?
Tommy 1 (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Green, OX29
Feb 2022
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
Stanton is a very pretty village with a great pub, lots of lovely walks and a nice community spirit. Easy to get to Oxford and Witney for shopping. The new development is yet to be finished but hopefully the developers will stick to their word about creating a wonderful open green space attracting wildlife to the area. The development itself could benefit from more visitors parking. There is a bus service on the doorstep and a very active village hall with plenty going on to suite all ages.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
Slow but have tried to complete everything on the list. But almost a year later still outstanding issues
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
The newer development across the green space. Possibly wouldn’t have bought if known.
Leigh (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Place, MK45
Jan 2022
Nice size properties with a good standard of finish
Leigh (Shared Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Place, MK45
Jan 2022
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
Lovely village near to English Heritage Wrest Park. Local pubs, amenities. Good road links.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
Very slow, took 5 visits to replace bathroom floor
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
Highly recommend village as a whole.
Damey (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Avenue, SG19
Jan 2022
Excellent designs and facilities within the house
Damey (Owner)
Verified Resident
Hayfield Avenue, SG19
Jan 2022
Please tell us about the good and bad aspects of living in your local area:
It is such a quaint area to live in, just the way I like it. It’s peaceful close to nature. There are not too many cars for cycling and going out for runs or walks. It’s accessible to Cambridge and London. Bin collections and antisocial behaviour are on point and non existent respectively.
How has the building management responded to any problems or issues you have raised:
Overall Yes though there are still few snagging issues outstanding after 5 months of moving in.
Please share one thing (or more) which you wish you had known before you moved in:
Not having a door to access the garage directly through the garden. This is quite inconvenient. The schematics at the showhomes of the sales office had the door.
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