What additional questions should HomeViews ask tenants?

What additional questions should HomeViews ask tenants?

Did you know that HomeViews ask residents more than just an overall star rating and single review?

We collect over 13 data points from each resident review which has enabled us to provide the most comprehensive insight to date into the Build to Rent (BTR) tenant experience. Now we are offering you the opportunity to suggest a new question we could be asking tenants.

We are always open to considering feedback on the questions we ask and data we are collecting. We would like your feedback on what additional data or rating we could ask BTR tenants in 2020.

In 2019 through our team and our Build to Rent partners inviting residents to write reviews we collected insights from 84 BTR developments, this was 37% of the then occupied BTR developments in the UK. This year we plan to capture insights from even more BTR developments and before we do we want your feedback on any additional questions we could be asking.

Follow this link to either immediately submit your suggested question or first complete a tenant review to understand the insights we are already collecting.

Thank you for your time and support.

written by

Hannah Marsh

Prior to co-founding HomeViews, Hannah gained 12 years of senior marketing ex... Read all

Prior to co-founding HomeViews, Hanna... Read all